Friday, March 30, 2012

Hangin' With My Boys

I got to do something with my boys today that I don't do all that often...we just sat.  Daddy wasn't feeling super great today, so it was just me and the little ones making do.  Seriously most of the day was a little stressful.  Not because it was just me with them (those are usually my best days)...just too many things on our plates right now and not enough time in the day....we're still in that reprioritization phase and sometimes it takes a little elbow grease to get where you need to be.  In the words of Beth Moore: "Does anyone...know...what I'm talking about?"  But I digress.  Me and the boys...all day...trying to get things success.  And all the stress made for a momma that was a little short with some undeserving boys.   And to be completely honest, this RA is still getting me down.  Fatigue creeps up on me to the point I don't know what hit me and I have to sit at that moment or I'll run myself into the ground.  So that's what we did tonight.  We rented a movie, made popcorn with a few jelly beans thrown in - you know, for a little color - and we sat down on the couch all snuggled up with blankets...or 'nugel as Micah calls it.  Love that boy!

Now Will's attention span is long enough to sit and watch a movie.  Micah on the other hand...well...  It started off well.  He sat and ate his popcorn and laughed and commented on those silly penguins...for about 15 minutes.  Then he got distracted.  The remote caught his eye.  The neighbor boys outside.  The jelly bean that had fallen behind the couch.  He was all over the place which evoked the response, "Uh! Micah MOVE!" from the older brother...which caused him to MOVE.  He shook his little butt all over the living room and thought he was just the funniest thing.  Man, I wish I took more video of these boys...mental pictures just aren't enough sometimes! :) 

Bedtime rolled around for the little man, so that left just me and Will.  Me and my sweet first born laughing at the crazy penguins and then after the movie talking and laughing about them even more as I tucked him in.  I'm so thankful God gives these little gifts when they're so needed, even if they're so undeserved.  I'm so thankful I decided to just put everything that needs to be done aside and just sit with my boys...I need to do it more often...and Lord willing, I will.

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